Maintain Control.
Purchasing at a Glance gives you the flexibility to define and control your requisition process. Create requisitions in the main program or use Supply Cart's browser-based ordering, allowing users to order their department-specific supplies.
Requisitions are automatcially routed through pre-defined approval and processing channels before being fulfilled. Requests for items that are not currently in stock can be used to build Purchase Orders - yet another way to reduce the time-consuming steps and inefficiences that sometimes are encountered in purchasing and inventory management.
- Require Approvals by Department and dollar amount
- Allow direct user input of requisitions
- Automatically notify approvers via email of pending requisitions
- Approve or reject at either requisition or line item level
- Limit supply requests to your predefined Stock Catalog items
- Allow requests for one-time purchases via generic line items with notes
- Review requisition history by Department, Stock Item, or GL Number
- Create audit trail of requisition history
This web-based component makes it possible for departments to submit and approve requisitions from anywhere. Click HERE to read about Supply Cart.