Insurance Mangement Companies

Control costs, control use.

It may not be that one big purchase. . . looking at each spend will make a difference.

A company in the insurance management industry generally has a Purchasing/Procurement Department which bears a large responsibility to spend funds as wisely as possible, helping provide the best value and services to its current and future employees, owners, and clients.  

Virtually all of the products and services procured are for internal or promotional use – paper products, forms, office supplies and equipment, marketing materials, promotional literature, operational supplies, and electronic processing equipment – the list can go on and on.

Cost savings through wise spending and inventory management go directly to the bottom line – spend less and the bottom line increases.

Purchasing at a Glance (PAAG) provides a framework and process for this wise spending and procurement. Used by insurance management companies around the USA for over 20 years, PAAG’s structure helps ensure the uninterrupted flow of material and services between suppliers, the main warehouse/branch, and all other departments and branches.

See how PAAG can help you:

PAAG8 Action Console

  • Make better purchasing decisions
  • Track purchasing expenses vs. budget for each department or cost center
  • Generate, submit, receive, and invoice POs
  • Receive, approve, and fill requisitions from many locations
  • Track vendor performance
  • Maintain optimum inventory levels through automatic reorder notifications
  • Report stock usage, purchasing costs, and more to management

With PAAG, data entry is quick and straight forward. The Action Console makes it easy to receive and invoice, with the flexibility to login stock and apply pricing in one step or separately. Make adjustments for partial shipments, taxes, and discounts to maintain an accurate accounting. From requisitions to invoicing, Purchasing at a Glance helps you control the purchase process.

PAAG matches everyone in your organization with the purchasing functions they need, from requisition submission to approval to delivery, with clear reporting on all activities.